Thursday, November 16, 2006


Anyone tired of me whining about the high price of meds? I'm tired of me yapping about the problem. And yet it continues and I continue.

I'm still trying to get a complete list from Kmart and the 90 generics program they have. $15 for a 3 month supply of drugs is sweet but I can't find a complete list so I just emailed Aylwin. He's the CEO and President of Sears Holdings and the Kmart website says he wants to hear from me. We'll see if he can help. I told him about this blog. Maybe he'll drop by. Here's the note I sent him:


I'm having a hard time finding a list of the meds Kmart is offering through its 90 generics program. I have a partial list but aren't there supposed to be over 150 meds available? I look forward to your answer and will be blogging about our correspondence at



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